Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Blood Friend

Blood Friend

This is dedicated to the world which hungers for power and thirst for money.

Thirsty are the vampires of the west;
Thirsty are the evil spirits of the east;
Blood, is what they need, red hot blood.
Flesh, is what they feed, ruthlessly hunted flesh.

Blood-fiends never end their foolishness
They kill, they eat and they die.
They seek revenge. Upon whom?
They fight for land. For whom?
They fray for god, without clue.
Disastrous are the routes of the fools,
They kill, they eat and they are doomed to die.

Poem By: Sara Babu, St.Teresa’s College

Monday, December 21, 2009

What Freedom Means to Me

What Freedom Means to Me

Laughing, playing, singing
Running in the rain
Eating ice cream with my friends.
Being able to say something stupid
Without being made fun of.
Shopping, eating, eating! And sleeping!
Sleeping as long as all my dreams end
With prince charming.
Being admired, being loved, being wanted,
Respected and adored.
Flying! Touching the sky, reaching the
Stars, jumping over the moon,
And being back in my home
With my family and friends.
This is what freedom means to me.

Poem By: Susan Job Pothanikat,St.Teresa's College

Saturday, December 19, 2009



Out came the speeding train
From the dark, mysterious tunnel
Leaving behind nature, so fertile.
Into the dry terrain so arid, so bare
Devoid of all green, of life.
How like a woman, nature is
So beautiful and so barren.

The woman in me heaved a sigh
To find a kindred spirit in nature
And glided with outstretched eager arms
Through space to merge with my image
To lose myself in her barrenness, nothingness, stillness.

Poem by: Rekha Venugopal, St.Teresa's College